
3D印表機推薦MakerBotReplicatorMini,兼具教育性及娛樂性,可實現個人化創意,更多3D列印機應用案例、3D列印教學請洽4128-695。.適用家庭或教室.3D列印機技術 ...,3D列印機台推薦MakerBotReplicatorZ18,更大幅增加3D列印成型空間,大型物件3D列印推薦使用,最佳性價比3D解決方案,3D印表機推薦震旦行。,MakerBotReplicatorMini桌上型3D列印,兼具教育性及娛樂性,大幅釋放個人化創意,透過指尖即可快速輕鬆進行3D列印,讓...

MakerBot 3D印表機Replicator Mini

3D印表機推薦MakerBot Replicator Mini ,兼具教育性及娛樂性,可實現個人化創意,更多3D列印機應用案例、3D列印教學請洽4128-695。 .適用家庭或教室.3D列印機技術 ...

MakerBot 3D印表機Replicator Z18

3D列印機台推薦MakerBot Replicator Z18,更大幅增加3D列印成型空間,大型物件3D列印推薦使用,最佳性價比3D解決方案,3D印表機推薦震旦行。

MakerBot Replicator Mini

MakerBot Replicator Mini桌上型3D列印, 兼具教育性及娛樂性,大幅釋放個人化創意,透過指尖即可快速輕鬆進行3D 列印,讓家庭和教室中的小小桌面變成絕佳的創意中心。

MakerBot Replicator+ 3D Printer

The award-winning MakerBot Replicator+ 3D Printer combines unparalleled performance with superior results and lasting reliability due to the Replicator+s ...

MakerBot Replicator+ Desktop 3D Printer Kit ...

The MakerBot Replicator+ is engineered and tested for reliable, faster printing. The Replicator+ prints high-quality concept models faster, easier, and with a ...


A 3D printer platform that fits in any classroom. Tap into a scalable platform that can fit the 3D printing needs of teachers across one classroom or a whole ...

Shop 3D Printer Extruders

Shop MakerBot and experience the dependable, consistent performance of MakerBot Extruders METHOD, Sketch, and Replicator.

【3D列印機】MakerBot Replicator

MakerBot Replicator · 簡易拆換的模組化智慧型噴頭,可大幅減少停機時間 · 缺料檢知設計,機器自動停止運作 · 自動發出警示通知訊息至您的MakerBot 桌面型和行動APP · 新 ...

【3D列印機】MakerBot Replicator Z18

MakerBot Replicator Z18 · 簡易拆換的模組化智慧型噴頭,可大幅減少停機時間 · 缺料檢知設計,機器自動停止運作 · 自動發出警示通知訊息至您的MakerBot 桌面型和行動APP ...